Thursday, April 29, 2010

Saint Catherine of Siena

Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Catherine of Siena, described as "one of the most extraordinary women in European history, a spiritual teacher of tremendous magnetism who was also a powerful advocate for peace and reconciliation" by Carol Lee Flinders in her book Enduring Grace. There's absolutely nothing I can say about St. Catherine that someone else has not already said -- and said much, much better than I could ever say it. For example, there's "Life and Significance of St. Catherine of Siena", a talk that Father Hardon gave to the Institute on Religious Life years ago -- an article by Sr. Adele Myers, O.P. that gives us insight into St. Catherine as a preacher -- the website Drawn by Love, which explores her mysticism -- and that's just three possibilities of resources about this remarkable woman. I leave you to have fun Googling the rest.

What you may not find out there in cyberspace, however, is the following prayer of St. Catherine, which appears as today's meditation in that marvelous publication Magnificat. This prayer speaks for itself and for its writer, but I make one note here for those who may not be familiar with its reference to the brigata. St. Catherine was the center of a group of individuals drawn from many levels of society and religious traditions, which she called "La Bella Brigata," the beautiful brigade or beautiful company.

One other note -- Today's arwork is a photo of the magnificent statue of St. Catherine of Siena on the grounds of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne, Australia. It was made by Melbourne sculptor Louis Laumen, who used St. Catherine's stigmata, the physical wounds of Christ's crucifixion given as a gift from God, as a focus of the statue.

Thank you, highest Lord, for giving us beautiful, passionate St. Catherine!

Lord for whose love
We are disposed to die
Give us strength and power
To acquire your honor with victory.

Your honor almost lost
Give us strength to be able to acquire it
That among people you are not known
Make your holy name renew
And everyone cry out
Long live blessed Christ
Who makes each one saved
Who believes in you, highest Lord.

Highest Lord, you are Jesus Christ
Who gave victory to your saints
Give it to us so that with fixed heart
We are all constant martyrs for you
And make each and all
Following your voice
Each pick up his cross
Following you above all banner.

It is you, Lord, we want to follow
Who so much love you have shown us
For us you wanted to die on the cross
So dear the vile commodity cost you the soul rebought
Out of your mercy
And yet in agreement
The brigata wants to die for your love.

To all magnanimous and great zeal
Give us, oh, our Lord, and strengthen genius
On us send the great zeal
Oh, our Lord, make each one worthy
To enter into your kingdom
After your passion
And so the crowns
Of the holy martyr we wear for your love.

Oh, our Lord, may the whole brigata
By you guided be in every way
May you be the way, the guide, and conductor
To keep the promises made to us
We have the documents of paradise
Done by Saint Matthew
To possess heaven
And you who are the gift of it, the giver.

Saint Catherine of Siena, translated by Dr. Lisa M. Vitale,
Assistant Professor of Italian, Southern Connecticut State University

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