Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holy Father's Homilies for Holy Thursday

Available now on the Vatican Web site are the two homilies that Pope Benedict XVI gave in Rome today, Holy Thursday.

Homily at the Chrism Mass, St. Peter's. In this homily, the Holy Father reminds us that "God touches us through material things, through gifts of creation that he takes up into his service, making them instruments of the encounter between us and himself. There are four elements in creation on which the world of sacraments is built: water, bread, wine and olive oil." He then explains a bit about each element and gives a beautiful explanation of the symbolism and significance of the oils that were blessed today at the Chrism Mass.

Homily at the Mass of the Lord's supper, Basilica of St. John Lateran. Here the Holy Father reflects upon the words of Christ from John 17:3: “This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” He says, in part: "Knowing, in the language of sacred Scripture, is an interior becoming one with the other. Knowing God, knowing Christ, always means loving him, becoming, in a sense, one with him by virtue of that knowledge and love. Our life becomes authentic and true life, and thus eternal life, when we know the One who is the source of all being and all life. And so Jesus’ words become a summons: let us become friends of Jesus, let us try to know him all the more! Let us live in dialogue with him! Let us learn from him how to live aright, let us be his witnesses! Then we become people who love and then we act aright. Then we are truly alive."

Dear Lord, as we celebrate this sacred Triduum, may our knowledge of You grow into the mystery of our becoming Your infinite, self-emptying love for the life of the world. Amen.

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