Today's first reading from the book of Daniel (Dn 3:25, 34-43) is the prayer of Azariah in the fiery furnace. We all know the story. The megalomaniacal king Nebuchadnezzar had set up a golden idol and had commanded each nation to send three envoys to do homage to the statue. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego -- whose Hebrew names were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah -- were the men chosen as the Jewish delegates. Because they refused to worship the idol, the king became consumed with fury and sentenced to death and had thrown into a white-hot furnace.
The rest is history, as the saying goes. "They walked about in the
flames, singing to God and blessing the Lord. In the fire Azariah stood up and prayed aloud." (Dn 3:24-25)
Two things worth noting…
First, beforehand, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had sought the advice of Daniel. The Jewish Encyclopedia notes that "he sent them to the prophet Ezekiel, who advised them not to risk their lives, but rather to try to evade the command by flight. Although the prophet based his advice on the authority of Isaiah (see Is. 26:20), they determined openly to insult the king's statue so that all the nations should say, 'All peoples did homage to the image, Israel alone refused!'
Second, these young men knew what they were getting into, literally. At the beginning of this idol worship, a herald of the king had loudly informed the crowd that had gathered: "Whoever does not fall down and worship shall be instantly cast into a white-hot furnace" (Dn 3:6)
And yet, these three brave men made "a public and difficult decision to stand by their faith… This was not an easy choice. Nevertheless, the character of these three men, as defined and honed by their life long choices, allowed them to follow God in faith, rather than yield to the pressures of secular intolerance" (unidentified source from the Web).Dear Lord Jesus, the one true and holy God, You call us to worship You alone. Enkindle within us the great and steadfast spirit of Azariah, that we may always say with him: "And now we follow you with our whole heart, we fear you and we pray to you." Especially in the fiery furnace of secular intolerance that rages rampantly today, keep us faithful in following You and courageous in proclaiming Your Gospel of Life. "Deal with us in your kindness and great mercy. Deliver us by your wonders, and bring glory to your name, O Lord.” Amen!
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