Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finding Christ

It is You, O Lord, You are the only one.  ~Nehemiah 9:6

When you find Christ, you are satisfied, you desire nothing else, you find peace.  You become a different person.  You live everywhere, wherever Christ is.  You live in the stars, in infinity, in heaven with the angels, with the saints, on earth with people, with plants, with animals, with everyone and everything.  When there is love for Christ, loneliness disappears.  You are peaceable, joyous, full. Neither melancholy, not illness, nor pressure, nor anxiety, nor depression nor hell.

Christ is in all your thoughts, in all your actions. You have grace and you can endure everything for Christ. You can even suffer unjustly. You can endure injustices for Christ, and indeed with joy. Just as He suffered, so you too can suffer unjustly. Did you choose Christ in order to avoid suffering? What does Saint Paul say? I rejoice in my sufferings (Col.1:24). This is our religion: for our soul to awake and love Christ and become holy, to give herself over to divine eros. And so He, too, will love her.

When Christ enters your heart, your life changes. Christ is everything. Whoever experiences Christ within himself, experiences ineffable things -- holy and sacred things. He lives in exultation. These things are true. People have experienced them -- hermits on the Holy Mountain. Continually and with longing they whisper the prayer: ‘Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

~Elder Porphyrios

I found Him whom my soul loves.
I held Him and would not let Him go.
Songs 3:4

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