Monday, June 29, 2009

Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul

As we celebrate the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, let us recall that before these saints were shepherds and apostles, they were sheep and disciples. God was able to do great things in them and through them because they made a decision to surrender control of their lives and destiny to the Son of Man who is also the Son of God.

Jesus says “follow me” to each of us. It may mean making a change of career. It may mean breaking off a relationship that is leading us away from Christ. Or it may just mean doing what we are already doing but for an entirely different reason...achieving great things not to draw attention to ourselves, but to glorify Christ...seeking an intimate relationship no longer to take but to give...working not for the weekend, but for the kingdom.

Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio, The Crossroads Initiative

Dear Lord, help me to hear anew today and every day Your call to follow You and to be Your missionary. Stand by me and give me strength to respond to You with all my heart. I know that sometmes I am more a goat than a sheep, more a backslider than Your disciple, but I believe that You can rescue me from myself as long as I keep looking to You. Help me to keep the faith as I continue to run the race You have marked out for me, and one day please bring me safely to Your heavenly Kingdom. Jesus, I trust in You! To You be glory forever and ever! AMEN!

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