Friday, January 7, 2011

The True Star

Ave Maria! Yesterday in his homily for the Solemnity of Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 6 in some parts of the world, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about the star that the Magi saw and followed. He noted that "these men were seeking the traces of God; they were seeking to read his 'signature' in creation; they knew that 'the heavens tell the glory of God' (Psalm 19:2); they were certain, namely, that God can be perceived in creation." Yet they also knew, Holy Father observed, that creation has its limits: "Thus a last important element of the event of the Magi appears very clear to us: the language of creation enables us to follow a good portion of the way to God, but it does not give us the definitive light. In the end, for the Magi it was indispensable to hear the voice of the Sacred Scriptures: they alone could indicate the way to them. It is the Word of God that is the true star, that, in the uncertainty of human discourses, offers us the immense splendor of the divine truth. Dear brothers and sisters, let us allow ourselves to be guided by the star, which is the Word of God, let us follow it in our life, walking with the Church, where the Word has pitched its tent. Our way will always be illumined by a light that no other sign can give us. And we too will be able to become stars for others, reflection of that light that Christ made to shine over us. Amen."

Dear Lord,
I stand in awe of your word!
Your word is founded on truth.
Teach me by your word.
By your word revive me,
by your word raise me up,
by your word give me life.
May I always
trust in your word,
hope in your word,
obey your word,
follow your word,
keep your word.
May your holy and gracious word
always be a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
Mother of the Incarnate Word,
pray for me,
pray for all of us
that your Son,
Word made flesh and splendor of the Father,
will make us "stars for others,"
reflections of His glorious and everlasting light.
Amen! Alleluia!
(cf. Psalm 119)

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