Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Lowest Place

Go and take the lowest place. ~Luke 14:10

The lowest place is mine. God has given it to me. It's where I belong, I who am but dust and ashes. No high throne or places of honor for me. Much better to stay in low places like the crib, the carpenter's shop, the upper room, the cross, the grave and the cenacle. I flourish in low places, like the seed buried in the dark earth. In God's mysterious plan, obscurity becomes me, hiddenness protects me.

Oh, I must and do let my little light shine before others so that they may give glory to my Father. Not to do so would be an insult to and an offense against Him, who has lovingly created me in His image and likeness and has graciously gifted me in many beautiful ways. But the lowest place is the safest for me, and the loveliest by His design. Here I learn His ways, I discover His peace and freedom. Best of all, I find Him whom my heart seeks, and my joy is now complete.

How can I keep from singing?

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