I am espoused to him whom the angels serve; sun and moon stand in wonder at his beauty.
Rejoice with me, and be glad, for I have taken my place with all the saints in the kingdom of light.
What I have longed for, I now see; what I hoped for, I now possess; in heaven I am espoused to him whom on earth I loved with all my heart.
St. Agnes, whose feast we celebrate today, is dear to the heart of every consecrated woman. The above antiphons are from Morning Prayer for today. The second antiphon is one I sing with gratitude and joy every single day. It is sung by the newly consecrated virgin at the very end of the Rite of Consecration for a Virgin Living in the World, which was bestowed upon me by Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza on May 8, 2004. Every day I marvel anew that, through our dear Lord's grace and glory, I am espoused to Him whom the angels serve. I kneel in wonder that my Lord and my King desires my beauty (Ps 45:12), which is nothing, absolutely nothing compared to His. Truly, my cup runneth over! Dear St. Agnes, pray for me that I may always be Christ's faithful virgin bride! Amen.
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