Thursday, April 23, 2009

Festina Lente

Rivers that flow gently through the plains carry along large boats and rich merchandise, and rains that fall gently on open fields make them fruitful in grass and grain. But just as torrents and rivers that flood over the land ruin the neighboring countryside and are useless for commerce, so in like manner heavy, tempestuous rains ruin the fields and prairies. A job done too eagerly and hurriedly is never done well. We must make haste slowly according to the proverb: "Whoever is hasty runs the risk of stumbling and hurting a foot." We perform actions quickly enough when we do them well.

~from The Golden Counsels of St. Francis de Sales

In quiet and in trust your strength lies. ~Isaiah 30, 15

P.S. I remember "festina lente" from when I was taking Latin in high school. It means "make haste slowly" -- and it applies to me today as much as it did over 40 years ago!

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