Thursday, January 19, 2012

Attend to yourself

If you really want to become perfect, you must firmly hold to the counsel of the Apostle (St. Paul): Attend to yourself, which implies two things. The first is not to look at the affairs of others nor at their defects. For the one who wishes to do his duty well and correct his own faults certainly has enough to do. The second is to strive for your own perfection and work incessantly for it, without worrying whether or not the others are doing so.  ~Abbot Pastore

Ave Maria!  What excellent advice for all of us!  Attend to myself.  Cultivate my own garden.  Mind my own business.  Take the log out of my own eye.  Thomas à Kempis comes to mind:  "Do not be concerned overmuch who is with you or against you, but work and plan that God may be with you in all that you do" (Imitation of Christ, Bk 2, Ch 2).  Sounds like a very good plan for me today -- and every day!  Thank you, my dear Lord!

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