Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our Lady on the Web

The Mary Page is a wonderful place to visit, especially during this month of May dedicated to Our Lady. This page, which is maintained by The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, OH, is a treasure trove of information and inspiration about Mary. Click on the "About Mary" button in the left frame to access the index. You will not be disappointed! There's even a page of the "Hail Mary" in almost every foreign language imaginable. Here is a sample from "Marian Prayers." It's a different sort of litany to Our Blessed Mother, replete with images that the ordinary believer may more readily relate to than those in the traditional "Litany of Loretto" that many of us grew up with. Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D, has written some beautiful and enlightening meditations on the titles of Mary as found in the Litany of Loretto; they can be found at the Web site for Inter Mirifica and are well worth pondering and praying.

by Rev. Joseph H. Lackner, S.M.

Opening prayer: Mary, God chose you as the mother of his Son and called all nations and generations to bless the gift of grace he gave you. In the company of those who have gone before us, with people of all races and languages, we call upon you in prayer.

Holy Mary, (Response: pray for us)
Mother of God,
Mother of our redemption,
Mother of a lost child,
Mother of comfort and understanding,
Mother who shares our joys,
Mother who endures our sorrows,
Mother whose heart was pierced by a sword,
Mother most merciful,
Woman responsive to God's word,
Woman willing to believe the impossible,
Woman who rejoices in her lowliness,
Woman with an undivided heart,
Woman of perfect freedom,
Woman wrapped in mystery,
Woman moved by the Spirit,
Woman champion of the poor and lowly,
Woman graced by a husband's love,
Woman widowed by a husband's death,
Woman at the cross,
Woman patient and waiting,
Woman clothed with the sun,
Queen of the fullness of times,
Queen of beauty unalloyed,
Queen of integrity,
Queen of painful meetings,
Queen of all our heart's treasure,
Queen of our destiny,
Queen of peace,

Mary, you are mother and virgin, wife and widow, peasant and queen - blessed for all time. We need the comfort of your prayers. Remember us always to our Father through your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

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