Wednesday, March 16, 2011

François Fénelon on charity

Charity does not demand of us that we should not see the faults of others; we must in that case shut our eyes. But it commands us to avoid attending unnecessarily to them, and that we be not blind to the good, while we are so clear-sighted to the evil that exists. We must remember too God’s continual kindness to the most worthless creature, and think how many causes we have to think ill of ourselves; and finally we must consider that charity embraces the very lowest human being. It acknowledges that in the sight of God the contempt that we indulge for others has in its very nature a harshness and arrogance opposed to the spirit of Jesus Christ. The true Christian is not insensible to what is contemptible; but he bears with it.

Because others are weak, should we be less careful to give them their due? You who complain so much of what others make you suffer, do you think that you cause others no pain? You who are so annoyed at your neighbour’s defects, are you perfect?

How astonished you would be if those whom you cavil at should make all the comments that they might upon you. But even if the whole world were to bear testimony in your favour, God, who knows all, who has seen all your faults, could confound you with a word; and does it never come into your mind to fear lest He should demand of you why you had not exercised towards your brother a little of that mercy which He, who is your Master, so abundantly bestows on you?

~From the Letters and Reflections of François de la Mothe Fénelon
Ave Maria!  As always, Speaking to the Soul at the Episcopal Cafe, where I happed upon the above reflection, does just this -- speaks to my soul.  And I learned a new word upon reading this:  cavil.  By the time I looked it up, I had guessed its definition.  Sure enough, the verb means to quibble.  Synonyms include carp, niggle, nitpick, squabble, brabble, bicker, and pettifog.  Guilty as charged!  Not a pretty picture at all!  I must have been born this way because I surely didn't learn this nasty behavior from Mummie and Daddy.  But thanks be to God for His love and mercy!  Only His grace keeps me from being a full-blown, full-time quibbler and enables me to become the person He is calling me to be for the praise of His glory.  Hallelujah!
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and put a new and right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence,
and take not thy holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of thy salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.
~Psalm 51:10-12

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