How wonderful creation is,The work which you did bless;What then must you be like, dear God,Eternal loveliness!Father Frederick William Faber"Have Mercy on us, God Most High"
Today's Responsorial Psalm from Mass -- "Heaven and earth are full of your glory!" -- brings to my mind the above verse of Fr. Faber. As I quoted the Holy Father in yesterday's post, "the world has been willed by God and bespeaks his glorious splendor." The Creator God who is "eternal loveliness" has made all things bright and beautiful for our enjoyment and delight. Through them He reveals to us a bit of Himself -- only a foreshadowing of His beauty and grandeur but just enough to entice and ravish us, until at last, utterly enchanted, we sigh:
Then, to behold Thee as Thou art,
I’ll wait till morn eternal breaks.
Gerard Manley Hopkins, "Nondum"
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