Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our Father, who are in heaven...

"Our citizenship is in heaven."  ~Philippians 3:20

LL Ori and the Orion Nebula
"And if you, our Father, are in heaven, then our home is heaven.  We belong there, because we belong to you.  We must not live or love as if we belonged here.  We must be glad to be going there.  We must have confidence in getting there, because of you.   Your Son told us, 'Fear not, little flock: for it hath pleased your Father to lay up a  kingdom for you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  I ascend to my Father and to your Father....'

"You love us and design and will our whole happiness in love.  'Eye hath not seen...what happiness God has prepared for those that love him.'  But we know that heaven is home.  Your Son revealed you in homely terms and heaven in homely terms.  It is the home of the family circle, completed and fulfilled.  His Mother and ours, soul and body in heaven, shows us that we, too, are to be fulfilled, soul and body, our whole human person, and that our relationships and love are to be brought to the completion that can be given only in your divine unity in the love of your Holy Spirit.

"Father, if I am there to you in heaven, you in heaven are here to me.  Let me have something of your heaven in my heart now, that my heart may hold to you more gladly."

~H.P.C. Lyons, S.J., Praying Our Prayers
"Father, I adore you,
lay my life before you,
how I love you!"

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