The grieving Mother stood weeping beside the cross where her Son was hanging.
Her soul, lamenting, inconsolable and sorrowing, was pierced by a sword.
O how sad and afflicted was that blessed Mother of the Only-begotten!
How she moaned and wept, the Mother of Piety, as she saw the pains of her divine Son.
Who is the person who would not weep seeing the Mother of Christ in such agony?
Who would not share her sorrow, seeing the loving Mother grieving with her Son?
For the sins of his people she saw Jesus in torment and subjected to the scourge.
She saw her sweet Son dying desolate as He gave up the spirit.
O Mother, fountain of love, make me feel the power of sorrow, that I may grieve with you.
Make my heart to glow within me for the God who came to win me, burn with love for Christ, my Lord.
Blessed Mother, cause the sufferings of the Crucified to be fixed deeply in my heart.
Share with me the pains of your wounded Son who is so gracious to suffer for my sake.
Make me truly weep with you, and share the suffering of the Crucified, as long as I shall live.
To stand beside the cross with you, and gladly share the weeping, this I desire.
O Virgin peerless among virgins, do not turn away from me, let me weep with you.
Let me bear Christ's death, let me share his Passion, enduring his wounds.
Let me suffer His pain, let me be engulfed by the Cross, for the love of your Son.
Lest I be set afire by flames of death, Virgin, may I be defended by you, on the day of judgement.
May I be guarded by the cross, protected by Christ's death, nurtured by grace.
When my body dies, let my soul receive the glory of heaven.Amen.
"Domine, non sum dignus..." O Jesus, my crucified Lord and Savior, I am truly not worthy to share Your sufferings, Your passion and Your death. Your Blessed Mother has brought me here, to the foot of Your cross, and here I beg to remain, with her, sorrowful and yet always rejoicing. I adore You, O Christ, and I praise You, because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world! Amen! Alleluia!
I am espoused to Him whom the angels serve. Sun and moon stand in wonder at His beauty. ~from the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity
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