During Advent, I like to think about the people who were closest to our Lord Jesus at His coming into this world. We share together the common bond of our humanity and our fervent longing to have it redeemed by Him. These men and women are our marvelous comrades, our friends and companions as we make the yearly journey from Annunciation to Nativity to Calvary and beyond. We celebrate with them the wonder and the ecstasy of the Incarnation. As Advent begins, I strive to live as they did, in joyful hope of the coming of the Divine Child, whose birth is our salvation.
With MARY, I surrender in faith to the birthing of God within me, patient with the rhythm of my growth. I take time to ponder the Word-made-flesh in my life, and I find deepened joy in God, my Savior.
With JOSEPH, I pay attention to my dreams, hopes and aspirations. I listen courageously to them and respond wholeheartedly, trusting that the God who speaks to me in such human ways also gives me the means to accomplish His holy will.
With the ANGELS, I become a herald of good news and a messenger of peace. I exultantly proclaim the glory of the Lord as I happily and faithfully make the rounds of my daily life.
With the SHEPHERDS, I remain open to the Lord's presence in my everyday life. I "hold every moment sacred" as I continually discover anew the myriad ways God dwells among us.
With the WISE MEN, I journey steadfastly to my destination, onwards and upwards and, yes, sometimes in rather roundabout ways. I revel to be forever in process, constantly in search of a more abundant life, a fuller existence for myself and for all God's people. I seek always the face of the Lord.
With the OX and the ASS and all the ANIMALS crowded around the manger — no, they are not people, but in their own way they are lovely kindred spirits — I give simply and humbly whatever is mine to give, confident that no gift is too small or too poor in the eyes of our gracious God when given freely from a loving heart.
With all the people of Christmas, I look beyond the darkness of this world to the Everlasting Light. With lively hope, I watch and wait. With renewed wonder, I bend the knee and adore. With enlarged gratitude, I find growing strength in the blessed assurance of Emmanuel, God-with-us. And with gladness beyond measure, my entire being cries out, "Come, Lord Jesus — come!"Dear Mary, Virgin of Advent, help us to cherish the family and friends your Divine Child gives to us. With you, we want to love and adore Him for ever. Amen.
I am espoused to Him whom the angels serve. Sun and moon stand in wonder at His beauty. ~from the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity
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